Bourbon street violience november 11 2015
Bourbon street violience november 11 2015

bourbon street violience november 11 2015

At 11:30 p.m., WCBS has Cat Ballou, with Lee Marvin's Oscar-winning performance KYW counters with Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, starring Rod Taylor and Tippi Hedren WPVI has the shocker Hush.

bourbon street violience november 11 2015

I'm looking at Saturday's late-night lineup, for instance. Not everything movie-related is on the networks, though. And our leaders fiddle like so many Neros while Rome-or Minneapolis, or Portland, or Baltimore-burns. It's all the more depressing because I have friends on both sides of the political aisle, and I pride myself on never letting that interfere with friendship, but now I wonder-do I have cause to worry whether they still feel the same way? The United States of America? Not hardly. Even the results of elections have now fallen under a shadow. Social media spreads its own unique blend of brutality and depravity, and seeks to shut down anyone who voices a dissenting opinion we put on masks and lose the face of humanity. Meanwhile, that same flag is often found burning in the streets. The America that once proclaimed itself One Nation Under God now worships at the foot of Moloch rather than the foot of the Cross.Įven the colors of the flag have been distorted into a grotesque image where red once stood for hardiness and valor, white meant purity and innocence, and blue symbolized vigilance, perseverance and justice, red and blue now stand for two unreconcilable sides openly discussing civil war, and white has become a dirty word. Immigrants who once came to this country because of its freedom-its liberalism-see that liberalism being replaced by the very thing they fled: totalitarianism.

bourbon street violience november 11 2015

Leaders of business, government and religion work in an unholy alliance, seeking to control rather than serve, and to pay us off with the promises of bread and circuses, while their computers go about gathering information on our habits, our preferences, our movements. The "people," who once made America, have now turned it into a bitter and divided country, prodded by groups preaching anarchy instead of order, division rather than unity, and an open contempt for "deplorables" whom they would seek to strip of their opnions, their rights, their lives. George Will once said that Cooke believed it was "the value of the simple virtues and decencies that can make communities flourish and that have made America great and exemplary." Today, communities that once pulled together now view each other with suspicion and distrust those who dare to voice opinions are censored by those who view those opinions as unacceptable those who fail to toe the party line regularly lose their jobs for no reason other than that they dare to believe in freedom of expression. For that matter, much has changed in the last 48 months, or the last 48 weeks.

bourbon street violience november 11 2015

Much has changed in the 48 years since America was telecast.

Bourbon street violience november 11 2015